// Trusted By
// What We Do

AI-Infused, People Empowered,
Actionable Security Defense

Break free from reactive defense. StrikeReady delivers the industry's first unified, vendor-agnostic, AI-powered security command center, purpose-built to optimize, centralize and accelerate a company’s threat response. StrikeReady’s platform uplevels the entire security team by centralizing, analyzing and operationalizing security data across a company’s entire security tech stack.

StrikeReady empowers smarter, faster decision-making with actionable insights by providing security teams with real-time, holistic, end-to-end visibility across an ever-changing security ecosystem. This transforms SOC teams into proactive-defense teams by allowing them to stay ahead of constantly evolving threats.

// On-Demand Webinar: Myth Busting AI in Security

Strike the Myths of AI in Security
What All SOC Leaders Need to Know

Webinar: The Truth About AI in Security

Cut Costs by
30% with AI:

Can AI really slash
your SOC expenses?

Boost Analyst
Efficiency 3x:

Is this the future of
SOC operations?

Improve Threat
Detection by 40%:

Can AI really outsmart
cyber threats?

// In The News

StrikeReady News


StrikeReady Raises $12 Million

Industry-First AI Security Command Platform Purpose-Built for Modern SOC Team


StrikeReady Posts Record Year

Builts on Strength of Industry-First AI Security Command Platform


Alex Lanstein Speaks with e-ChannelNews

Alex Lanstein, chief evangelist at StrikeReady, provides insight on the recent CrowdStrike incident and its potential legal implications.

// StrikeReady Advantage

Centralized Security, Proactive
Visibility, Intelligent Action


Dwell Time


Improved Time
to Value


Advantage Icon
Simplify and Automate
Your Security Operations
Advantage Icon
Accelerate and Optimize
Your Security Operations
Advantage Icon
Get More Out of
Your Security Tech
Advantage Icon
Bridge Your
Skill Gaps
Advantage Icon
Overcome Security
Resource Limitations
Advantage Icon
Reduce Your
Security Risk
Advantage Icon
Rationalize and
Consolidate Your Security
Advantage Icon
Intelligence Sharing

Streamline Your Security Operations.
Do More with Less.

// Use Cases

Cut Complexity, Boost Efficiency,
Scale Teams

  • Alert
  • Incident
  • Security
  • Operationalize
    Threat Intelligence
  • Risk-Based
    Vulnerability Management
  • Continuous
    Security Validation
// How We Do It

Integrate, Consolidate,
Optimize, Activate, Innovate

How We Do Icon
One Solution
Every Connection
How We Do Icon
Security Experience
How We Do Icon
Security Analyst
How We Do Icon
How We Do Icon
Collective Defense
Intelligence Exchange
// Testimonials

Trusted by Security Champions

“StrikeReady is breaking new ground in Security Operations by giving valuable time back to the SOC. The intelligence learned from senior practitioners is immediately available to others resulting in a more skilled and trained workforce.”

Chief Information Security Officer

“As a CIO, one of my focus areas is to make security operations efficient. StrikeReady is the most transformative and value-rich cyber security technology I have seen in a long time. I highly encourage every CIO and CISO to adopt it.”


“StrikeReady empowers our security analyst workforce, lessens the pressure and burnout, and, most importantly, curtails our business risk by a sizable factor. Human knowledge and AI-driven automation both have to go hand-in-hand for transforming security operations.”

Vice President Security Operations and Threat Management

“The actionable security intelligence provided by StrikeReady helps not only guide our team on what to focus on, but also increases our understanding of the changing threat landscape in real-time regardless if it was for a certain threat actor, CVE or a specific attack.”

Chief Security Officer

AI Automates, Humans Elevate.

// StrikeReady Advantage

Efficient, Resilient, Cost-Effective


• 5x Productivity
• Upskill Cross Skill
• Faster Decisions
• Enhanced Job Satisfaction


• Centralized Operations
• Team Collaboration
• End-to-End Visibility
• Skill Development


• Operational Cost Savings
• Maximized Tool Utilization
• Optimized Resource Allocation
• Reduce TCO


• Holistic Threat Intelligence
• Proactive Security Defense
• Accelerated Threat Response
• Proactive Risk Mitigation